Saturday, June 4, 2011

Barefoot Running Training

Barefoot Running Training and Technique

Barefoot Running has a lot of benefits such as it reduce risk of your getting shin splints and gentle on your knee. After start run using barefoot running technique my run getting more comfortable and better. No more niggling sensation on my shin as would normally came with heel strike run. Thus I could last longer and cover more distance and more important is I start to enjoy my run. I am not promoting run with naked feet here, but the technique and motion that naturally come with barefoot running, this is more or less quite similar with my post of how to run efficiently. Minimal cushion and cover up is encouraged to protect your feet from environment for safety and hygiene, unless you are Masai warrior that run barefoot chasing antelope is in your daily job description or you never run on route other than on rubber track, treadmill and from bed to toilet. As other ordinary Joe and Sally you need training and practice to master proper technique of barefoot running technique same as other barefoot run beginner. Hope these Barefoot Running Training lists would help you to train better and faster to experience and master barefoot running technique:
  1. Keep you thick cushion trainer /running shoes in shoe rack and go out with your naked feet, if this is too extreme then opt for shoe with thinnest sole as possible.
  2. Start by walking around barefoot. In first week, run no more than a half a KM and a KM every other day. Then increase your distance by no more than 10% per week.
  3. Make mental note of how much or how little, it is bouncing up and down or left to right. The goal is just to move forward and keep in straight line.
  4.  Keep vertical torso, bent knees, relaxed ankles, Bent forward from your heel not from your waist and land with your feet under your body (your center of gravity). If you land  with your foot in front of your body it will create braking effect and bad for your knees. Your body should be moving in front of the foot when it strike the ground.
  5. Gently bend your toes up, this will stretches the skin on the sole of the foot before landing. Land on front half of your feet not on your toe and not on your heel because you are not walking and you are not ballet dancing either. Specifically land on the ball of your foot under the fourth and fifth metatarsal heads.
  6.  At landing keep your ankle slightly extended then let your heel down gently. This will act as natural absorber and the most forgiving dynamic. This will reduce the amount of shock travelling through your body. 
Related Article
Barefoot running shoes - Nike Freen Run+
Losing Weight - Exercise Anorexia


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